
27/10/2021 09:20


Plants with fruits, seeds, leaves, roots, flowers or other parts that are or have been used in one form or another for human consumption or medical treatment. Any dietary or medical information given here should be regarded as anecdotal. Such plants are not necessarily edible and in fact some medicinal and psychoactive plants are highly toxic and can be fatal if ingested even in small quantities. We are listing all of these plants for reference only and do not recommend the consumption of any of them unless you have been able to ascertain their safety through independent research. Under European Union laws, many of these plants would be considered "Novel Food" plants, meaning they cannot be commercially produced for human consumption before going through a lengthy permission process.

Edible fruit
Plants with edible fruits that may be fit for human consumption. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Edible seed/nut
Plants with edible seeds or nuts that may be fit for human consumption. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Edible oil
Plants with fruits or seeds that can be used to extract edible oils which may be fit for human consumption. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Sugary sap
Plants that can be tapped for sap or resin that is high in sugar and may be fit for human consumption. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Plants that produce starchy tubers, trunks, bulbs, fruits of the like which may be fit for human consumption. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Plants with edible leaves, shoots, stalks or the like that may be fit for human consumption. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Heart of palm
Palms with an edible meristem (growing point on top of the stem) that may be fit for human consumption. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Plants with edible fruits, seeds, leaves, flowers or the like that may be fit for human consumption and can be used as a flavoring agent. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Plants with edible fruits, seeds, leaves, flowers or the like that may be fit for human consumption and can be used in the preparation of non-alcoholic beverages. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Alcoholic beverage
Plants with edible fruits, seeds, leaves, flowers or the like that may be fit for human consumption and can be used for brewing and perhaps distilling alcoholic beverages. Any dietary information given here should be regarded as anecdotal.

Plants with fruits, seeds, leaves, roots, flowers or the like that are used in the preparation of traditional or scientific medicines.  Any medical information given here should be regarded as anecdotal. These plants are not necessarily edible and in fact some are highly toxic and can be fatal if ingested even in small quantities.

Plants with fruits, seeds, leaves, roots, flowers or the like that have or are said to have mind-altering properties. Any information given here should be regarded as anecdotal. Such plants are not necessarily edible and in fact some are highly toxic and can be fatal if ingested even in small quantities.